Catalog number: D10-500
Full name: DNA phage lambda (dam-, dcm-) Preparation, 500 μg
Size: 500 μg
Supplier: Sibenzymes
Price: 105.00
Enzyme prototype : N/A
Ordering : To order the DNA phage lambda (dam-, dcm-) Preparation, 500 μg, please use the Cat. #D10-500 and send by email or Fax your purchase order. The Purchase Order must include shipping and billing addresses, applicable VAT number, desired quantity.
Contact : Prices are indicative. Gentaur/Genprice can alter prices without further notice. Please contact us for more information about the latest availability and price.
Technical file : Please contact our technical support at +32 16 58 90 45 to receive the latest datasheet and certificate of analysis
Precautions : The DNA phage lambda (dam-, dcm-) Preparation, 500 μg is manufactured in Europe and is intended to be used for research use only, not for diagnostics purposes. Do not use for human or animal consumption.