Catalog number: 970820-5X100 ml
Full name: Phenol:Chloroform:ISO Amyl Alcohol (25 : 24 : 1 Saturated with 10 M tris pH 8.0,1m EDTA Suitable for extraction of Protein from Crude Nucleic acid preparation)
Size: 5X100 ml
Supplier: CDH INTL
Price: 258.00
Cas No : NA
Buffer : Plasmas are treated with K2, K3 or Na EDTA disodium chelator at pH8. The Ethylene-diamine-tetra acetic acid with Cas nr 60-00-4 is called Edetic acid. The chemical formula is C10H16N2O8. As anticoagulant GENTAUR also uses heparin and sodium citrate to produce plasmas.